Manx Bird Atlas have details of birds in the Isle of Man.
Their website is www.enterprise.net/manxbirdatlas/ |
Birds seen in the garden recently (not to scale) |
Blackbird | Blue Tit | |
Chaffinch | Collared Dove | |
Dunnock | Green Finch | |
Gull | Jackdaw | |
Magpie | Robin | |
Rook | Sparrow | |
Starling | Thrush | |
Wagtail | Wren | |
Butterfly This picture was taken during the Eclipse in August 1999. We haven't been able to identify it yet, perhaps someone out there can tell us what it is!
Basking Sharks were rare during 1999 , with just 4 sightings by our family, not for want of trying and have been rarer still during the year 2000 with no sightings at all. The most you normally see of them is the dorsal fin and tip of the tail fin, so they are not very photogenic from the land. Below is a sample of the view available from the other direction.
http://www.isle-of-man.com/interests/shark/index.htm Check this website for more pictures and information.
The CHOUGH is a resident of the Calf of Man and the I.O.M. South West coast. They are very similar but smaller than Crows but have red feet and a red beak.
We have no photo's, but managed to get a photo of their BIG BROTHER the Raven. This picture was taken from a distance because each time we moved nearer, so the raven would fly a bit further away. Oh for a Digital Camera with a zoom lens!
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Last revised: 18 August, 2001.